We provide cost-effective, exciting solutions for all post and beam buildings.
For any scale of project, from complete dwellings to extraordinary raised platforms and towers.
Please get in contact if you have an idea for a project. See below for more details on the range of services we provide.
“Great team, flawless design process and stunning workmanship. Fully recommend”

We are able to work from architects drawings or with you directly to develop an idea through to a finished build.
Concept design taking through ideas and showing what is possible.
3D CAD model we produce a model of each of our designs to help visualise the project and for later use in manufacturing.
Planning we are able to take on all aspects of the planning application process.
2. Manufacture

Each pole is carefully selected to suit its function within the frame.
The bark is then removed using a high pressure jet of collected rain water to leave a smooth natural finish.
Working from the CAD model every round wood component is cut using our unique and highly accurate machining process.
We only remove material where necessary leaving the natural shape and strength of the timber intact.
3. installation

We generally use very minimal concrete pads and tailor the frame to fit the land form using site levels we have taken.
All timber is held off the ground using high density polythene spacers or galvanised steel to ensure longevity of the structure
We install the structure with whichever piece of plant or machinery suits the situation, from hand winches to spider cranes.
Every joint has already been calculated and cut in the workshop, minimising costly and disruptive site time.
4. Insulated Panels

We believe our one-fill insulated panels are the most environmentally sound method of construction available today. Efficient, low-carbon, and quick to construct, these insulated wooden panels are the perfect complement to our roundwood frames.
The panels are filled as one continuous void on-site which eliminates the possibility of any gaps and cold bridging where panels join.
The insulation, panels and frame are all wood fibre, and as such are locking away carbon, giving the possibility of a carbon-negative build to passivhaus standard.
UK manufacturing avoids shipping delays and transport-related costs.
Read more about our
“Their passion for this unique building technique shone through and they took great pride in their work. Highly recommended.”